Create links to weather and Google maps driving directions using coordinates.


1. Scroll to empty line below row 15 and enter Latitude, Longitude and name in their respective column. Enter any name you’d like to call your link.
2. Copy and use information that you need. Use Name and created URLs in text based platforms ie. Meetup create event. Use your choice of combinations of created URLs and created Links in hyperlink based platforms.
3. Don’t enter anything under URL and Link columns.  You can enter information into any cell under Lat, Lon, and Name columns, including over write existing information.
4. To create more URLs copy existing row and paste into blank row then change values.
5. DON’T RELY ON WHAT YOU DIDN’T CREATE! Others may have done something funky. All sheets are independent of each other. Don’t worry about messing things up, there’s a backup available.  Don’t be surprised if things change without you doing anything; others can use this at the same time s you.