Suggested carpool fees

To calculate the suggested carpool fee use this table. Find the current gas price, multiply the cents per mile times your round-trip driving mileage, round that to the nearest dollar and that will give you the suggested carpool fee. This should generally allow the driver to recoup their gas costs if they have three passengers.

Price/Gallon Cents per Mile
$5.25 $0.09
$5.00 $0.09
$4.75 $0.08
$4.50 $0.08
$4.25 $0.07
$4.00 $0.07
$3.75 $0.06
$3.50 $0.06
$3.25 $0.05
$3.00 $0.05
$2.75 $0.05
$2.50 $0.04
$2.25 $0.04
$2.00 $0.03
$1.75 $0.03
$1.50 $0.03


Hike leaders may designate a location for hikers to meet and form carpools. Neither the Club nor the hike leaders are responsible for coordinating transportation to/from the trailhead. Hikers are not guaranteed to get a ride to the trailhead from the carpool location. Carpooling is organized by the participants and they participate at their own risk.

Here are the instructions for what to include in your hike posting for carpools. 

Put the carpool location in the Meetup location field and put the trailhead meeting location, time and coordinates in the description. Please insert the words below along with the suggested carpool fee which can be calculated from the table above.   Also specify if the leader will be at the carpool location.


Carpools: Meet at the Centreville Park and Ride at 7:30am or at the ???? trailhead at 9:00am, GPS coordinates xxxx, yyyy.


Suggested carpool fee is $7. The leader will be at the carpool location.


Neither the Club nor the hike leaders are responsible for coordinating transportation to/from the trailhead. Hikers are not guaranteed to get a ride to the trailhead from the carpool location. Carpooling is organized by the participants and they participate at their own risk.