NVHC Privacy Policy


Privacy at NVHC

We take privacy very seriously at NVHC and are committed to doing our best to protect your private information.

Information Collected

All members are required to fill out the NVHC membership application form that includes full name, mailing address, phone number, emergency phone number, e-mail address, and signature accepting the Club liability disclaimer. On-line forms require similar information and acceptance of the the Club liability disclaimer by checking the liability disclaimer check box. During the hike sign-in process we require your name, e-mail address, phone and emergency phone numbers, and signature. In addition, for on-line sign-ups we require your credit card information that is collected over a secure connection through PayPal or similar service provider.

Reason for Collecting the Information

The main reason for collecting the name, address, and phone numbers is to be able to notify you or your emergency contact in case of an emergency. We require the signature accepting the disclaimer (or for you to click on a button accepting the disclaimer on the on-line forms. The e-mail address is used to notify you of changes in the hike plans. In addition, the e-mail address may be used to verify whether hikers are current members.

Location of the Information

The paper forms are kept in the club archives for the current membership year. They are destroyed at the end of the year. Membership information is kept electronically on a secure on-line website (with safeguards similar to on-line e-commerce sites such as Amazon that use Internet security best practices) provided by websites such as Google, and on personal computers of designated Club officers The information on the websites is protected by a password and is accessible only by specified officers of the Club. The credit card information is not available to the Club.

Disclosure of Information

NVHC does not disclose the information collected to any external entities. Even within the club, the information is disclosed only to specific officers or volunteer members in order to verify membership, send out e-mails to notify the members of change of schedule, or for other relevant reasons. These e-mails are kept to a minimum. Information is not disclosed to other NVHC officers, leaders or members. If a member needs to make contact with another, a Club official initiates the contact, giving the contacted member the option to complete the contact.

Unintentional Leakage

NVHC takes precautions, such as using secure websites and passwords, to safeguard the information kept on websites. As in such cases, there is always a small risk that the information is inadvertently disclosed to unauthorized people (for instance, due to security lapses at the website). NVHC takes reasonable corrective actions in such cases (such as contacting the website administrators) and notifies the members involved.

Concerns? Questions? Comments? Please contact a member of the Executive Committee.